The History of pac-man is spectacular, the
Developer Namco
Designer Midway
Programmer Shigeo Funaki
Release dates may 22 1980
project began April 1979
1980 : Pac-man sold over 100000 units in its first year of being released.
1981 : Mrs pac-man was created and had faster game play, along with fruits moving
across the map and new mazes.
1982 : An animation was made by hannah-barbera and Buckner & Garcias song made an animation show of pac-man pac-man fever
1984 : PacLand was released it was the first in the series of Pac-man to side scroll.
In the original Pac-man there were 255 levels, 4 power orbs and 245 dots in each level.
The designer was inspired by a pizza for the shape of pacman,
the 256th level of pacman is unbeatable due to a bug.
Developer Namco
Designer Midway
Programmer Shigeo Funaki
Release dates may 22 1980
project began April 1979
1980 : Pac-man sold over 100000 units in its first year of being released.
1981 : Mrs pac-man was created and had faster game play, along with fruits moving
across the map and new mazes.
1982 : An animation was made by hannah-barbera and Buckner & Garcias song made an animation show of pac-man pac-man fever
1984 : PacLand was released it was the first in the series of Pac-man to side scroll.
In the original Pac-man there were 255 levels, 4 power orbs and 245 dots in each level.
The designer was inspired by a pizza for the shape of pacman,
the 256th level of pacman is unbeatable due to a bug.