C.B.C Research Page
Cats being catty was set up to help raise awareness of the scourge to the community
of Earth that is Catty Cats or CC. These catty cats have wreaked the world for years
now and something has to be done about them. With awareness raised we will put an
end to all the catty cats in the world.
Our scientists as pictured to the side have worked out how to get rid of all catty cats. They will be stuffed inside a large rocket ship and blasted off into space to permanently get rid of the problem.
Afterwards we’ll all dance and eat cake and do Twister in a Twister and that will be very fun and stuff. Plus stuff
Perhaps your a CBC in which case you will be locked in a wind tunnel and your flesh will be ripped off your skin at 29000 miles an hour, you’ll scream like your skin has been pulled off. Which it has and then you’ll die. So there.