Gymnastics for Life

I have gymnastics for a long time. I have done it since I was three years old.

Me and my friends all share a love for gymnastics.

Who is your favourite gymnast? Mine is Gabby Douglas. She is so inspirational.

As the years went on myself and my friends  developed our skills and competed in many competitions. As we do not go to the same gymnastics class it is hard to keep track of each others skills. We usually have a trampoline game together and show off our skills and show our floor skills as well.

I am always looking for new skills to try out. Usually end up in the hospital.

Gabby Douglas has been a huge inspiration and has taught me not to be scared and just go  for things even though they might land you in hospital.

One of my favourite websites to go and buy leotards is the Zone. They offer a wide range of leotards from all shapes and sizes.They also sell scrunchies, shorts, crop tops, leggings, tops and men's wear.